News24: Trusted News. First Hodnocení aplikace

Too expensive

I’m deleting this app. There’s zero news unless you pay a subscription. The same news can be viewed for free on either the apps: IOl, EWN, SABC, etc.

Format and integrity issue with News 24

The app has become a donkey

Auto play ads for paying subscribers

Over the last few days I’ve been getting annoying auto play full screen timed video ads take over my screen for every article I ready. As a paying subscriber I was paying not to be bombarded by Ads. This was fine, they got more and more, I took no note as long as they didn’t invade and take over my screen. Now this is just the last straw. Your model needs to respect paying subscribers a little more. Fix this and I will renew my subs and revise my rating.


Becoming a waste of time. Seems just about every news report one has to subscribe to now Not worth it!!!

Can’t be trusted

News24 censors any view or information they do not agree with. Needless to say, any company with such a love of censorship can’t be trusted with news.

Why use the App??

I love the content and I subscribe. But over the last month about 70% of the stories bring up a grey screen and an error when you tap. There is an option to ‘report’ but there seems no point because I’ve never had a response and it isn’t fixed. Why have the App when I have to read almost everything on the web?? Fix your tech people, it is messing up your brand!


Despite latest update it Keeps freezing my phone

Dark mode please

The app and content itself is great, but please develop an update that allows dark mode. My eyes cannot take the retina burning whiteness when I read the news in the morning.

Subscribed but no service or support

I am subscribed and paid up but cannot access, tried to contact and send mails , no response. Why support such a company if they do not care

New update is terrible!!

iPad version is especially terrible. Can’t login with same email address on more than one device. UPDATE: This app has gone from bad to worse. Who in their right mind would pay R75 per month for an app that works so badly?

Not ideal

Difficult to log in , more complicated than some banks. Very poorly laid out . I have no issues with the content . Strongly advise that you get new professional help ....or look at some of the US and european équivalent sites .


We do all the ads open when you are simple scrolling down. It's very annoying and it makes the ux very bad.

Double dipping

They now run advertisements and subscriptions in this app. Naspers double dipping in the revenue pools. Trying out the EWN app for the first time - Not bad

Time to delete and find another App

I’ve used the News24 App since 2010, when they released a version for iPad. In recent times, their ad marketing campaign has polluted the App. We all understand that free apps need advertising to survive. If the viewership or unique page numbers are to be believed, advertising should well cover costs. Concretely, when you scroll to have two ads taking up more than 50% of the screen (or 100% on browser version) the user experience is appalling (often the same ad). The premium articles are not tagged (as they are on the browser based version) on the mobile version, so it’s hit and miss. News24 has enforced (Aug 2020) the freemium model. Pay gates or Pay Walls rarely work unless the content is highly curated. Time to delete the News24 app.

Can the ads

I will gladly pay for “quality journalism “ Will not pay to be bombarded by advertising material.


Your chase after revenue has corrupted your brand. Just trying to scroll through the headlines has become impossible as the ads keep appearing in between the headlines at every possible moment, and the headlines jump around to make space for the ads. When that happens you have to start searching again, scrolling up or down looking for the headline you were reading. And once you find it, another ad pops up and the headline is gone again. Once inside the article it has become even worse: with your finger on the screen and scrolling, the ad that pops up either scrolls you 2 screens up/down the article or takes you to the ad webpage. You have made it impossible to use your app and want the user to buy the ad-free purchase? Your tactics are surely losing you more clients...

Can’t read news because if pop up adds at intervals of seconds!

Pop up adds pop up every couple of seconds across whole screen and I need to close it. Then a few seconds later another add - makes the news site unreadable and most annoying. I will delete this app.

Battery killer.. backward in design

App keeps running in the background killing battery , With background app refresh turned off . Layout is terrible unintuitive . Take the lead from apps like google news , Flipboard Where is dark mode ?

One of the worst unusable Apps out there!

Same lame in-your-face ads shown multiple times on one page, placed to encourage accidental clicks. This is a advertising app with a few news stories thrown in. Bad enough that News24 never allows comments on their many stories that are little more than South African government propaganda, but now this??? Don’t waste your time!



Huge improvement since April ‘20 update

Since the April 2020 update there has been a mammoth improvement in both speed and performance. No more hanging, crashing or lagging. I still however prefer the previous grid-style layout. As always the news content and reporting is top class.

Not working properly

Since the latest update the app keeps on freezing, definitely need to relook at who you get to do your app. After using this app for years I will be deleting it as I can get my news from apps that actually works.

Lost integrity

Recently deleted this app after using it for many, many years. It has lost its integrity through its approach to advertising. I have no issue with ads on a free app. I understand why they are there. But the way this app displays them is dishonest. They ensure that the ad is big enough to fill the entire screen while scrolling down, and so sensitive that the slightest touch while scrolling will take you away from the app to the ad. This is invasive. If I want to follow the ad, I will click it. But don’t force me to the ad site by making it impossible to scroll past the add and then unavoidable to not have it follow the link while scrolling. This ploy is clearly designed to get the number of “clicks” up to generate more revenue by showing advertisers the statistics...but it is artificial, dishonest, and abusive to the audience who wants to read the articles. News24, please get your integrity back! You built a great brand but you are now selling out.

Not working

Unfortunately since your first update app doesn’t open only shows a grey screen. After this update still not working - so a bit of a problem during these important news times. I did enjoy your old version as it worked

News 24 bugs?

I enjoyed the previous version of the app, but now it freezes constantly. I am working in USA and it was always nice to keep up to date of what’s happening in SA. Hope you sort out the bugs. I am tempted to delete the app

Add notifications for responses to comments.

New app crashes so often had to delete it. Yuk. Also no financial indicators. Really slack workmanship here

Hangs after opening

This latest version of App hangs after opening on iOS13.4

One of the worst apps in recent times

The previous version of this app was awesome. It adjusted itself to the layout of your phone, did not crash every 3rd or 4th attempt to open, adverts were more evenly spaced and not repeated several times. At the moment there is this annoying black screen that pops up every now and then depending on where you scroll in the article, which refuses to close and forces you to hard close the app and reopen it. If you have a zoomed screen it does not adjust itself and words are cut off. Whoever designed this app did a crappy job in testing it before it was launched. Alas it seems this is an industry wide problem as the app developers are too lazy to ensure their work is perfect before they launch it into the market. Bring back the old app. At least one was able to read the news without having to reopen every other time. This review pertains to the iOS version of the app.

Glitchy advertising platform

Freezes, Videos auto play and one is unable to return to article. Glitchy. Pathetic new app. Keeping things simple is better guys. Horrible upgrade

New format not great

New format is a step backwards.

Predatory Advertising

I’ve used New24 for over 10 years and I may be forced to find another app as it has become insufferable with ads. It is less the quantity of ads, albeit high, that bothers me. It is that what constitutes a click on an ad is quite bizarre and unlike anything I’ve seen before. If you scroll past an ad but your finger touches the add, even in the action of scrolling and not clicking, the ad opens. I can hardly scroll down the news feed without an add opening! It is ridiculous. It should only open if I click on it.

News app

The application format is no longer attractive. Please review and reconsider the grid format.

Ex pats viewpoint

As a South African living abroad, I have long relied on News24 to keep me abreast of news “at home” With the recent updates, it has become slow, difficult to swipe to the next story, full of ads and generally unusable as a source of good news content ( every item is inter spaced with adverts) Looks more like CNN everyday. Give me a subscription with no ads, fast response or find another customer Disappointed

Slow to load and full of advertisements

When from a good app, to a terrible up. I’m trying to avoid it. Extremely slow to load and scroll. Ads take up most of the screen, so you can hardly see the news reports. Bring back the previous version

New look

App is terrible and keeps shutting down. Text jumps up and down.


Terrible app. Is the ANC behind the changes that were made to the app. Cause it sure has that feel about it. Can’t scroll through the articles without clicking on an advert that redirects you to another page. So frustrating.

Absolute rubbish design

Whoever redesigned the new app has totally cocked it up.

Update is NOT an easy read

The newest update only has 3 headlines showing at a time on an iPhone. With the amount of white space and large ads accompanying the redesign, its a real put-off. Using a number of other news apps such as The Guardian and BBC, from around the world, where you can see up to 9 headlines in one go, having to scroll through 3 at a time is not only annoying, but time-consuming. The choice of font, while cleaner, also doesnt making scanning the headlines an easy task as your eye hunts for the relevance connected to the photo in the headline.

Last Update 👍👍

Within the first 5 minutes using the latest version, I could tell some thought went into changing that disaster version launched a few weeks ago. I’ll change to 5⭐️ if everything stays this way with a bit more use and the iPad version. Well done to the new team!

Not worth it...I rather use the browser...

I’m fed up with the page(s) suddenly ‘moving’ to make way for an advert. Then I have to try and find the paragraph where I left off. The advert links are so sensitive that I’m not even able to scroll past an advert without activating the link which either opens in IOS App Store or in a browser. Sorry News24, I’m out...

Terrible update

The latest update is just terrible. The format is cumbersome, the graphics do not load properly, there is no more landscape view on ipad, indicators are not available anymore. The app is slower. I do not understand why this update was released.

Latest update broke the app

Feb 2020 is the most regressive update possible. No longer works in landscape mode, headlines in tiny font, no preview images, images on stories so huge you can only see a corner of them. Shocking that someone signed off on this.

Terrible layout

The new app’s layout is terrible and slow.

Notification Bug

Thanks for breaking the app's notifications. Now I'm continually getting the same notification over and over again

New app is terrible

Headlines cut off Asking to sign up the whole time Difficult to scroll Clearly you need new devs/testers or both

What the heck have you done to this app

This new update is HORRIBLE, whoever was tasked with the design should be fired. You took a decent app and turned it into junk. DELETE DELETE DELETE!!!

I deleted the app

I deleted the app after News24 continued to cover the EFF conference, even after they have banned other media houses from covering that gathering. The hostility of the Eff and its leaders must be condemned in the strongest of terms, and News24 lacked the balls of boycotting the event in solidarity with those “banned“ newspapers and journalists! Until News24 finds its moral compass, I want nothing to do with anything that involves them! They are perpetrators of censorship and muzzling of the free press! Sayonara News24! We will meet again when you get rehabilitated and you’re sober minded

Uncaring developers. Another update, still terrible

Another update has come, with still no solution to the incessant jumping around of text, making reading impossible. Shame on you!

What the .....

No News24, you’ve sold yourself out to advertisers and forgotten why you’re there..... you’re meant to bring your readers gripping, informative news, not force feed your readers with incessant advertising where reading an article becomes such a frustration that it’s easier to simply quit the app. Get rid of the advertising and focus on what you’re meant to be doing.

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